Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Storms Can be Beautiful....

O.K. Storms can be beautiful but........not when they knock out you computer for the week. I am just now checking on all the Beautiful comments on my blog and I Thank all for the wonderful words. I am working on my Husband's Computer in the basement, no flowers down here must get outside. My flowers are calling!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Where Bloggers Create!

Nature is where I create, dream, work, and give... Our pumpkin farm with its beautiful woods is the inspiration for my guord art. Children are my inspiration for my books, productions, clothing and art.
Step out with me...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Thank goodness for good friends and rainy days!

Today I will begin my blogger journey. Thank goodness for dear friends- my good friend Amy has taken me under her techy wing and is trying to get my tech world going. Taking precious time away from her dear children to create this wonder with me.

And rainy days.... Well, it is raining so that I can focus on this lovely blog.

Peace for the rest of this beautiful day!